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The top five online dating hints

Looking for Mr. or Miss Right? Sick and tired of the same singles crossing your path? Are you PETRIFIED of online dating? Scared of going out with a real creep or freak? In this digital age, it’s no surprise that online dating has become an increasingly popular way to meet someone special. If you can order everything from Q-tips to rare prints to pizza on the internet, why not order up the perfect mate? Easier said than done. Here are the top five hints on how to maneuver the field quasi-successfully.

1 – Fill out a profile. Even the most confident woman with a lot to offer may find her self-esteem crumbling as she sits in front of her computer screen debating whether or not others would see her as “curvy”, “about average”, or “athletic and toned”. How can anyone describe themselves in 500 words of less? How many of your idiosyncrasies do you want to reveal before you’ve even met someone face to face? As you start to come up with the list of attributes you feel are mandatory for a potential partner, don’t panic. You are not too picky and there’s nothing wrong with wanting someone that is employed, living independently, and doesn’t pick their nose in public.

2 - Scan the profiles. There may be a lot of fish in the sea but decoding their profiles and knowing which ones to throw back before you try to make sushi with canned tuna can be a challenge. Once you get over the initial shock of seeing the profiles of an ex and that guy that sits a few cubicles down from you at work and the mild embarrassment of knowing they can see your profile, the real fun begins.

3 - Warning signs. So when they say they are just a big kid, do they mean big kid at heart or a big kid still living in their parents’ basement because there’s a difference. Other warning signs include their current relationship status being “married” and profiles that look like a 14 year old wrote them, “R U the 1 4 me? I M fun-E and KEWL!” Buyer beware they are not cool and this shouldn’t make you LOL

3 - Scrutinize their list of criteria. Is there any wonder why a 40-something year old who wants to be with an 18 year old is still single? It seems like every guy out there is just looking for a beautiful, smart, sexy, funny, confident girl with a nice smile. Really? Shocking. You have to wonder if they have any idea what they are actually looking for in life. How many single beautiful, smart, sexy, funny, confident gals do you know that are going to have any interest waiting around while their guy plays World of Warcraft for 20 hours straight, not that there’s anything wrong with that. ( hint… click to the next profile).

4. Be honest. Be honest with yourself about who you are and what you are really looking for in a partner in crime. Sure, it’s great to say that you have an appreciation for nature but if you wouldn’t be caught dead camping and you scream every time there is a spider within a 2-mile radius. Perhaps you should leave that off your bio. There’s nothing wrong with being yourself and letting potentials know that you really enjoy your 9-to-5 job because at the end of the day you still have just enough time to hit the gym, make a simple dinner, and watch the latest episode of LOST. It may sound mundane but you’re more likely to reel in someone that’s compatible with your lifestyle. Who honestly has time to be a gourmet cook, avid reader, part time sommelier, published poet, movie buff, music producer/DJ, photography enthusiast, etc. etc. etc.? Sure, it might be nice to have time for all of these hobbies and interests but limiting your list to 2-3 things that you’d like to share with someone else will give you the highest probability to find someone that has the same top 3 as you.

5. Positive Attitude. Sure you might have to scroll though a ton of profiles and cringe and cry and feel like there is no one out there for you after seeing one creep after another. But guess what. It might be worth it because at the end of the day, you are not looking for hundreds of matches to go out with. Remember you only want one. And, with online dating… you just never know. Go for it!